Happy New Year 2016

Thursday, December 31, 2015 | En Español

When I take a look at the last entries of the blog, I realize how far I was from imagining what my life was going to become in the following years. But I also realize that besides everything that ocurred, the part of me that have kept me going has always been there. I was not myself outside of the Internet, I lacked confidence in myself, and I am still discovering it.

I am writing this from a very different world than the one I used to live in when I started more than 10 years ago. The weather is different everywhere, violence and chaos are two things that are seen now everyday, maybe things have always been like this, only it hasn’t been this clear due to the limited technology. But we live in a mobile world now, a lot of people carry Internet in their pockes, and a camera...

Unfortunately I didn’t share my journey as I planned to do, but it is ok, it has been a journey of failures, of pain, of tears and even some blood has been spilled. Some functionality of the body has also been lost during the process. It’s funny the difference between your journey and how people sees your journey.

There are some who consider me successful because I have travel the world, because I have accomplised some things that look quite fancy, because I have had the opportunity to live in the most expensive country in the world. And technically speaking, I have delved very depth into server administration, scripting, databases; I have played some with app development for Android, Chrome extensions, and the last couple of years, my world is Machine Learning, and of course making the tools to gather and prepare the ridiculous amounts of data that you need for that one.

And that is what people sees, what they don’t see is that I am technically not just homeless, but stateless, and pretty broke. I haven’t been in my country in years or seen my family, including a new member that I am yet to meet but that I love very much already. I am always moving around, from place to place, carrying a laptop and my notes to keep on working, getting online from public wifi spots, libraries, and of course from friend’s houses many times.

But that is what my journey has been. I learned how to do many things, but I did not value them, I lacked confidence in myself. I made some terrible mistakes and as I result I fell off the system. But the one thing I had to handle first was the depression I fell into after losing contact with my child, which maybe biologically isn’t my child, but in my heart he still is. I have become extremely social, but if feel someone starts getting close to me, I unconciously get away so I am also quite lonely, but I call it solitude.

But enough of it. I have become very mobile, and I have documented everything that I have done in the last years. I think it is time to get all of that information out. Despite everything, I have reached stability internally, and I am happy. I want to share what I have learned so maybe others can find a more, hmm, profitable way to use the techniques, the code and the information that I have.

Oh yes, and more photographs are coming. I documented, I wrote scripts, and I took photos.

Un poster de fotografías

And so it begins...

Categories: Announcements

The actual future of this Web Site
Edit 2015-12-31: Yeah right...

Saturday, August 31, 2013 | En Español

Well, I don't know if anybody still reads the frontal page of this site, I know there are some articles that still bring about quite a bit of traffic, but the frontal page, not so much.

Lets face it, this site never really had the best name, it was a name of an old user account from an old free hosting company that no longer exists. But I was quite nostalgic and I bought it.

Things have changed a lot in the world of Linux and in the world of Web Development, now Linux is incredibly easy, and everything in the Web Development revolves around HTML5 and responsive mobile web development. And as it changed, I changed myself. Some times I really do feel like everything I learned before, the way in which I used to do things, has become completely obsolete. But that is a good thing, isn't it?

I overcomplicated myself with this Web Site, making it increasingly difficult to publish new things, but I do have new things to publish, a lot of them. Also my grammar has improved, and I am now writing this from the United Kingdom.

So, to not make this even longer, all technical articles will be proof-readed, simplified and publish in a new site called codeffeine.com, and a lot of new material will be added there. The motivational articles, and there will be more in the future, will be posted at wakeitnow.com. And this site will be used for my Photography and my personal thoughts and opinions. As for the Spanish material, anything that can be useful will be moved over to www.diezcuriosidades.com and the rest will remain here.

The goal is to improve the designs, the quality and the quantity of the material presented, and to begin offering some Apps as well, coding Apps at Codeffeine, organizational Apps at WakeItNow.

Categories: Announcements

Happy New Year 2013

Saturday, December 31, 2012 | En Español

A whole year without publish anything in the website, but what a year. With new businesses, websites, and now engaged, this year was, without a doubt, the best year. But I'll make the next a best year, and I wish everybody a great year full of joy and fulfilled purposes.

Categories: Thoughts

Ghosts from the past

Saturday, December 31, 2011 | En Español

Not only the great teachings and the technology are passed from generation to generation. Along with all of these, also comes the prejudices, the hatred and the social stratifications that were created along the way. Many times these were originated because of a desire of control, others because of pure greed, some because of fear, and some times because of a feeling of entitlement held by small groups of the population.


Categories: Thoughts

Learning from a mistake

Monday, December 12, 2011 | En Español

I had a new experience in life yesterday, one which I never experienced before: the experience of being robbed. While the details are not important (I am perfectly fine), I am going to sound a little crazy but I am actually glad that it happened, in this way at least.


Categories: Thoughts

Nature's gallery

Thursday, October 06, 2011 | En Español

A gallery of diverse photos of nature. © Juan Valencia Escalante. Some rights reserved, check the botton of this page for details about the license.

A picture from nature.

A picture from nature. A picture from nature. A picture from nature. A picture from nature. A picture from nature. A picture from nature. A picture from nature. A picture from nature.


Categories: Photography

Flowers's gallery

Thursday, October 06, 2011 | En Español

A gallery of diverse flowers. © Juan Valencia Escalante. Some rights reserved, check the botton of this page for details about the license.

A picture of a flower.

A picture of a flower. A picture of a flower. A picture of a flower. A picture of a flower. A picture of a flower. A picture of a flower. A picture of a flower. A picture of a flower.


Categories: Photography

Chile: Trekking in Pochoco

Thursday, October 06, 2011 | En Español

Pictures from Pochoco while doing trekking in Chile. © Juan Valencia Escalante. Some rights reserved, check the botton of this page for details about the license.

A picture from Pochoco while doing trekking in Chile.

A picture from Pochoco while doing trekking in Chile. A picture from Pochoco while doing trekking in Chile. A picture from Pochoco while doing trekking in Chile.


Categories: Photography

Santiago de Chile: Santa Lucía

Thursday, October 06, 2011 | En Español

Pictures from Santa Lucía in Santiago de Chile. © Juan Valencia Escalante. Some rights reserved, check the botton of this page for details about the license.

A picture from Santa Lucía in Santiago de Chile.

A picture from Santa Lucía in Santiago de Chile. A picture from Santa Lucía in Santiago de Chile. A picture from Santa Lucía in Santiago de Chile. A picture from Santa Lucía in Santiago de Chile. A picture from Santa Lucía in Santiago de Chile. A picture from Santa Lucía in Santiago de Chile. A picture from Santa Lucía in Santiago de Chile. A picture from Santa Lucía in Santiago de Chile. A picture from Santa Lucía in Santiago de Chile.


Categories: Photography

Santiago de Chile: Los Domínicos

Thursday, October 06, 2011 | En Español

Pictures from Los Domínicos in Santiago de Chile. © Juan Valencia Escalante. Some rights reserved, check the botton of this page for details about the license.

A picture from Los Domínicos in Santiago de Chile.

A picture from Los Domínicos in Santiago de Chile. A picture from Los Domínicos in Santiago de Chile. A picture from Los Domínicos in Santiago de Chile. A picture from Los Domínicos in Santiago de Chile. A picture from Los Domínicos in Santiago de Chile. A picture from Los Domínicos in Santiago de Chile. A picture from Los Domínicos in Santiago de Chile. A picture from Los Domínicos in Santiago de Chile.


Categories: Photography

Santiago de Chile: Downtown

Thursday, October 06, 2011 | En Español

Pictures from the downtown in Santiago de Chile. © Juan Valencia Escalante. Some rights reserved, check the botton of this page for details about the license.

A picture from downtown in Santiago de Chile.

A picture from downtown in Santiago de Chile. A picture from downtown in Santiago de Chile. A picture from downtown in Santiago de Chile. A picture from downtown in Santiago de Chile. A picture from downtown in Santiago de Chile. A picture from downtown in Santiago de Chile. A picture from downtown in Santiago de Chile. A picture from downtown in Santiago de Chile.


Categories: Photography

Here comes the photographs

Thursday, October 06, 2011 | En Español

I have been doing some additional modifications to the platform-something that I use in this website because Thingamablog, which was the original system that I had in place, just can't handle galleries, not that I know off, and while I considered to just install a gallery system in here, I do have a certain vision and a set of features that I want in the platform of this website. And as this is my personal website I don't mind taking the time to build the system as I like it, even if it results in longer times to post while I build it.


Categories: Announcements, Photography

Site updates: I'm still here! The future of this website

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 | En Español

To call the last couple of weeks "hectic" would be an understatement. The one year anniversary of the website came and went, and everything that I was preparing for the day was superseded by the need to eat, by getting sick, running my first 10km race (while still sick), a family project, a friend's project, and the project of a couple of friends. I have been here and there and what little time left I had was directed towards finishing the system of this website rather than invested in the unfinished content.

But I am not abandoning this website, in fact I have several guides that need to be polished and more thoroughly tested in order to publish them. And the personal side of this website is just about to get interesting thanks to a trip that I will be taking very shortly. I am hoping to get some content for the photography section of the website (this trip is the reason it was created). Of course, all of the material will be offered under a permissive creative commons license.


Categories: Announcements