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xorg.conf configuration for a H770 series monitor

Saturday, May 21, 2011 | En Español

Just in case someone else need it (or in case I need it in the future). It is not a modern monitor, so it is not automatically configured.


Categories: FOSS, Linux

Lynx friendly

Friday, May 20, 2011 | En Español

I know that this year I haven't post as many new articles as I wanted to, it particularly hit me when I made the new sitemap. With the past month busy writing the Screenplay for this year's Script Frenzy, and this month split between programming a replacement for Thingamablog, making the site Lynx friendly, the big Slackware posts that I am preparing, and learning to use Cinelerra for the cinematography workshop I am currently in, the free time has fly away. I am going to do what I done the last year, posts smaller articles while the big ones are being prepared, so this website doesn't look inactive.

So anyway, why bother to make the website Lynx friendly? In one word: Accessibility.


Categories: Announcements